Being in a sorority, I have to take a "little", and spend an entire week showering her with gifts which pretty much consist of a lot of candy (aka chocolate). This week is the start of "big/little week" and I have to decorate my little's room every day with gifts, posters, and lots and lots of chocolate. Being a chocoholic it is very difficult to have pounds of milky ways, snickers, and reeces laying around your apartment. I even converted all of my roommates into chocoholics for the week. They are constantly asking me to have a piece of my candy, which I was hoping to just steal myself so my little wasn't missing that much candy when I decorate her room.
I have also found that I have put on a little weight since this all started. I remember last year, being on the other side, getting showered with food, I definitely gained weight. It is really hard to not snack on candy all day when your room is covered in it!
New media has made contacting my little in secret ways very easy. I created a facebook page called BestlittleEva LaurenTorretta and I talk to her through that so she does not know who I am. I honestly do not know how people contacted their little's secretly before facebook!
In sum, big/little week and chocoholics is not a good mix.
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